Explainer Video Structure

Explainer videos are eye-catching and engaging. But there is a method to the madness and video structure matters a lot in the results.

Explainer Video Structure

There is a reason why explainer videos have become so popular over the years. This type of videos is so simple and clear, you don’t have to strain yourself to keep watching.

But is every explainer video that easy to watch?

Explainer videos are distinct in conveying coordinated information through audio and video channels.

But the video structure of an explainer is more responsible for its flow. It is minimal, concise, and informational.

As simple as it sounds, there is a certain method for crafting these videos.

Here is a brief introduction to the video structure of an explainer video. Making an outline of the video based on this structure can help join the dots.


  1. The hook/problem
  2. The solution
  3. How it works
  4. The Benefits
  5. Call to action
  6. A structure set in stone?

How To Structure An Explainer Video  

1. The Hook / Problem

Every explainer video either tries to solve or explain a problem or issue. This is its reason to be. And an explainer video originates through such a fundamental question or problem.

But only asking that question is not enough. The video should ask the question in a way that resonates with the audience.

The hook of an explainer must ask a relevant question from the life of the audience. It must make them stop and listen to what the video is talking about.

explainer video problem

Like it or not, this step determines whether the audience will continue watching the video at all.

65 percent will watch a video up to ten seconds based on the first three seconds as per Facebook.

45 percent of the audience will watch it to the end based on the same opening.

The AdQuick video presents the intriguing problem of advertisers struggling with OTH analytics. This will immediately attract the attention of someone dealing with this issue every day. Someone proactively looking for a solution to it immediately become your potential leads.

2. The Solution

Unless a video is only supposed to expand on a problem, the solution follows soon.

The introduction of the solution marks the commercial motive behind the video narrative.

The Solution is the point where a product or service makes its appearance in the video.

explainer video solution

Most videos will have the solution appear early, by the first third marker, if not earlier.

Download Now: The Ultimate Guide To Explainer Videos

3. How It Works

Introducing a solution to the problem in question is important. But it is far from enough.

The target audience needs to know how it works to believe the hype of the narrative. This is where a scriptwriter establishes the merits of his or her claims.

Around the midpoint of the video, the narrative enters into the process segment. The audience is actually watching this far into the video for this very reason. To learn what it is all about.

This part not only helps the audience understand the solution but also establishes its authenticity.

Sometimes writers weave this segment of the video into the next segment.

4. The Benefits

As we move toward the conclusion, the audience must understand the nature of the solution by now. Though what is more important is establishing why they need this solution.

This segment of the video informs the target audience about what to expect from a product or a service.

Addressing this area is important to convince them to invest their time and money in it.

explaine video solution

While the benefits will be around the features of a product or a service, there is more to it.

The narrative of the video must focus on the value that the product will deliver instead of fixating on functional features.

This tells them about what difference the solution will make to their lives and work.

5. Call to Action

Call to Action is where the video aims to convert leads into sales. Or at least channel the potential leads to the appropriate destination.

The Call to Action of a video depends on the goal of the video. It may simply be the contact information of a company or an overlay button leading to a landing page.

explainer video call to action

Call to Action usually marks the conclusion of the video.

Before reminding of the value the service will deliver, the Ad Quick video informs the audience where to engage that service.

The audience will feel lost if they hear about a great solution but would not know what to do about it. And all the hard work of marketers making their audience watch the entire video will go to waste.

A Structure Set in Stone?

It might be true for the Ten Commandments, but is this video structure set in stone too?

Well, not really.

Though there is no wonder why the standard explainer video structure produces such good results.

You can entice the audience to watch a video addressing an intriguing question. The one starting right with your brand and website could be another story.

In the end, the impact of the video takes precedence over any other rule.

explainer video structure

The precise structure of your video depends on your judgment and goals.

Some explainer videos not meant for sales of a product or a service may expand more on explaining a problem.

Many publication platforms and YouTube channels have adopted the explainer video format.

What is the goal of the video you are planning to produce? Whether you want to introduce your company or want to start a fundraiser, your video better flow smoothly. In any case, you are better off trusting a professional production company with your video.

Professional video scriptwriters are experts at breaking down complex concepts and processes. They are also good at establishing a flow to the video which will help retain audiences.

Make sure your video ends up to be engaging following this structure as well. But now that you understand the underlying structure, you are more likely to.

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