The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video

Enhance your explainer videos with the perfect voice over. Learn how to hire the best artists and understand key licensing terms.

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video

Imagine Martin Luther King's iconic "I Have a Dream" speech being read by a monotonous, uninspiring voice.

Would it have had the same historic impact? Likely not. The power of a message is not just in the words, but in how they are delivered.

You might say, "Explainer videos are not as significant as historic speeches." However, the principle remains the same: different voices can deliver drastically different results. An engaging, clear, and appropriately toned voice over can make the difference between an explainer video that captivates and informs, and one that falls flat.

In this article, we will break down the entire process and show you step by step how to hire the perfect voice over artist for your explainer video. From understanding your needs to evaluating potential artists, we will guide you through every stage to ensure your video achieves its full potential.

1. Understand your needs

As with any creative process, voice over recording starts with putting together a brief. This document is essential for ensuring that everyone involved is on the same page and for providing clear guidance to the voice artist.

Define the Purpose of the Video

Explain the goals of the explainer video. Is it for educating, marketing, onboarding, or another purpose? It's also important to identify the target audience. Consider their preferences for accent, age, and even which gender's voice would be more influential for them.

Determine the Tone and Style

Specify the desired tone of voice: professional, casual, upbeat, friendly, authoritative, etc. The style should match your brand identity as well as the message specifications.

Script Preparation

Ensure that the script is well-written. An explainer video's script should be simple, with short sentences that are easy to read and listen to. It should flow smoothly so that viewers can easily understand what you are trying to explain. If you need more information about how to write a perfect explainer video script, check out our comprehensive guide.

3. Finding Great Voice Talents

Now that we have our brief, it's time to find great voice talents. Generally, there are three main directions you can go for finding an artist:

  1. Online marketplaces
  2. Voice over agencies
  3. Freelance networks

For explainer video voice recording, you don't need to hire an agency. Agencies are best suited for big projects like TV commercials for large companies. Also, I wouldn't recommend using networks like LinkedIn, as it can be time-consuming. The best way to hire talent for explainer video voice overs is through online marketplaces. Let's review the three biggest ones.


Fiverr is famous for getting things done on a budget, but it is not always known for high quality. If you need a voice for a YouTube video or vlog, you can find acceptable quality here.

However, for more serious projects like explainer videos, I wouldn't recommend Fiverr for a few reasons. First, there is no opportunity to organize a voice audition.

Why is this important?

Because a demo might sound good, but when the artist reads your script, you might realize it's not the perfect match.

Secondly, the artists might have recorded their demos in high-quality studios, but most of them will do your project in their home studio. Trust me, you will feel the difference in quality.

Finally, on Fiverr, they charge you for almost everything, and as a result, it can become a more expensive platform than anticipated.

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video


  • Cost-Effective: Fiverr is known for offering services at lower prices, making it a good option for those on a tight budget.
  • Wide Range of Artists: You can find a large variety of voice over artists with different styles and languages.
  • Ease of Use: The platform is user-friendly, allowing for quick searches and purchases.


  • Quality Variability: The quality of work can vary significantly since Fiverr attracts a wide range of freelancers.
  • No Auditions: There's no built-in system to organize voice auditions, which means you might end up with a voice that doesn't match your expectations.
  • Additional Costs: Services and revisions often come with extra charges, which can add up quickly
Useful Resource:
Explainer video voice over cost: A comprehensive guide


I like Upwork for hiring translators or more technical professionals. Back in 2019, we used to hire voice artists there, but this platform is not specialized in hiring voice talents. If you don't have extensive experience in hiring voice talents, you can be misled. There is no option to pick categories for voice or to organize auditions. That's why I would pass on this option too.


  • Versatile Platform: Upwork is great for finding various types of freelancers, including voice over artists, translators, and tech professionals.
  • Large Talent Pool: Access to a wide range of freelancers from all over the world.
  • Escrow Payment System: Payments are held in escrow until the work is completed to your satisfaction, providing a level of security.


  • Not Specialized: Upwork isn't specifically tailored for voice over work, making it harder to find specialized talent.
  • Time-Consuming: Sifting through profiles and managing bids can be time-consuming.
  • Quality Control: The lack of specialization can lead to inconsistent quality in voice over work.


This is our favorite marketplace. The platform specializes in hiring voice talents and offers numerous tools to make your life easier and achieve the best results. From a very detailed and professional brief form to reviewing tools, it has everything you need. Here's how we find the perfect voice artist for our explainer video projects step by step.

  1. Access the platform and click on the "Post a Job" button located in the upper right section.
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video
  1. Opt for the "Create a new job" choice and specify a title.
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video
  1. Choose the “Online Ad" option, then select "Other" for the license duration and specify "In Perpetuity."
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video
  1. For the voice character selection, opt for the "Spokesperson" style.
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video
  1. In the following section, specify the language, accent, and gender of the voice artist. Additionally, you have the option to request a direct session, bearing in mind that this may result in an increased budget.
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video
  1. Paste or upload a sample from your script. I suggest selecting the initial section for review.
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video
  1. Next, indicate the video length, project deadline, upload reference examples if available, and most importantly, provide details on the desired tone of voice, pace, and other relevant information outlined in the brief.
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video
  1. Budget: Specify a range or your fixed budget for the project. To attract high-quality artists, we recommend a budget of $250.

I also recommend setting aside $50 to $70 for potential revisions.

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video
  1. Finally, review all the information you have provided once more. If you wish to recommend specific artists, select "Private Invite." Otherwise, opt for "Public Invite" for a wider selection of options.

That's it. Go ahead and post the job.

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video

You should now wait for 1-2 days, return to the platform, and review all submitted demos. Select the one you like, and hire the artist.

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video


  • Specialized Platform: Voices is dedicated to voice over work, providing tools and resources specifically for this purpose.
  • High-Quality Talent: The platform features professional voice actors, often with years of experience.
  • Audition System: You can organize auditions and review detailed profiles and demos, ensuring you find the perfect match.
  • Comprehensive Tools: Offers tools for posting jobs, reviewing submissions, and managing projects effectively.


  • Higher Costs: Due to the higher quality and specialization, services on Voices can be more expensive compared to other platforms.
  • Detailed Process: The detailed job posting and review process can be more time-consuming compared to simpler platforms like Fiverr.

The Best Format

Some artists deliver voice files in MP3 format. However, this is not the best option since MP3 files can have reduced quality. We recommend requesting the voice over in WAV format. While it has a larger file size, the quality is significantly higher, making it the best choice for sound designers to work with.

Understanding Licenses

There are three main types of licenses for voice-overs: online usage, corporate and ads (commercial rights), and TV/radio international (broadcast). These categories can have subcategories, but they mostly fall into these three groups.

  • TV/Radio National License: This is the most expensive and may require annual fees.
  • Online Usage and Corporate/Ads: These licenses are more negotiable. Some artists include a perpetual license, while others might ask for a yearly fee.

Make sure you agree on all licensing terms with the artist to avoid any legal issues.

How Much Does Explainer Video Voice Over Cost?

The cost of an explainer video voice over can vary from $50 to $1500, depending on several factors:

  • Experience of the artist
  • Project length
  • License type and the platform where you will use the voice
  • Delivery time (whether it's a regular timeline or a rush job)
  • Whether you need a direct session or not
  • Number of revisions
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video

For explainer videos, we recommend opting for online usage with commercial rights for ads and in perpetuity. This package typically costs between $250 and $450 when hiring an experienced artist.

Useful Resource:
Explainer Video Cost – A Price Guide For Any Budget


In summary, investing in a good voice over artist is not just about finding someone who sounds good. It's about finding someone who can connect with your audience, convey your message clearly, and align with your brand's tone and style. A great voice over can make your explainer video stand out, leaving a lasting impression on your viewers. So, take the time to choose wisely, and your efforts will be well rewarded.

If you need assistance with your explainer video, we can handle the entire process from A to Z, including the voice over. Let us take care of everything to ensure your video is professional, engaging, and effective. Contact us today to get started!

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