How to create a killing facebook video ad

Learn how to create effective Facebook video ads with our step-by-step guide. Avoid pitfalls and see great results. Contact us for free help!

How to create a killing facebook video ad

I hear this dozens of times: "My Facebook ad did not work. It's expensive and doesn't work well for me." And people often ask, "Do Facebook ads work?" This is the question. But let me ask you, if they don't work, how is Facebook a trillion-dollar company?

Furthermore, brands started investing more in Facebook ads after Google's last update diminished SEO chances to get leads.

However, if you want your ads to succeed, you can't just post an ad and wait for leads. It requires a seven-step strategic plan to get the most out of it.

In this article, we are going to break down all the steps from planning to production, analytics, testing, and final results.

Step 1: Understanding Facebook Video Ads

Anyone who can clearly answer the question "What are Facebook ads?" also has a lot of stories about their failures. The biggest mistake people make is treating Facebook ads as a one-time action. Success with Facebook ads isn't about a single ad; it's about finding the right type of ad or a combination of several, and building a funnel.

First, let's explore the main types of ads available on Facebook.

Types of Facebook Video Ads

1. In-Feed Video Ads

Appear in users' news feeds as they scroll.

Best For:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Driving website traffic
  • Engaging users with longer content

Example Goals:

  • Reach
  • Traffic
  • Engagement

2. Story Video Ads

Vertical videos that appear in the Stories section and last for up to 15 seconds.

Useful Resource:
Vertical Videos - Everything Marketers Must Know

Best For:

  • Creating immersive and interactive experiences
  • Quick, impactful storytelling
  • Reaching users in a more personal space

Example Goals:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Reach
  • Lead Generation

3. In-Stream Video Ads

Short ads that play during longer videos (mid-roll) on Facebook Watch or in the news feed.

Best For:

  • Engaging users who are already watching video content
  • Driving mid-funnel conversions

Example Goals:

  • Video Views
  • Engagement
  • Brand Awareness

4. Carousel Video Ads

Allow multiple videos or a mix of video and images within a single ad unit.

Best For:

  • Showcasing multiple products or features
  • Telling a multi-part story
  • Driving users to multiple landing pages

Example Goals:

  • Conversions
  • Traffic
  • Catalog Sales

5. Slideshow Ads

Lightweight videos made from a series of still images, ideal for lower bandwidth environments.

Best For:

  • Engaging users with slower internet connections
  • Quickly creating simple video ads from existing assets

Example Goals:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Reach
  • Traffic

6. Collection Ads

Feature a primary video with a set of product images below, perfect for showcasing multiple products.

Best For:

  • Driving product discovery and sales
  • Enhancing the shopping experience
  • Highlighting product catalogs

Example Goals:

  • Conversions
  • Catalog Sales
  • Traffic

7. Messenger Video Ads

Appear within the Messenger app, either in the inbox or as sponsored messages.

Best For:

  • Personal and direct user engagement
  • Driving conversations and lead generation
  • Reaching users in a more private, conversational setting
  • Interactive conversations with picking options
  • Automated communication using tools like ManyChat

Example Goals:

  • Lead Generation
  • Messages
  • Traffic
  • Customer Support

Benefits of using video ads on Facebook

Facebook gives you the opportunity to target over 2.9 billion people with advanced targeting options based on geographic, demographic, interests, and even behaviors through retargeting after some actions on your website.

This is particularly effective when you identify prospects based on their actions on your website. Knowing they are close to purchasing, one or two well-crafted ads with the right message can seal the deal.

Additionally, detailed analytics allow you to continuously improve your results. Another great advantage is that Facebook ads are 100% mobile-friendly and offer excellent engagement opportunities.

You can even receive requests or communicate directly on Facebook via Messenger without leaving the ad—a communication format that everyone is familiar and comfortable with.

Step 2: Understanding performance metrics.

First, I would like to make this clear: we don't insist on picking Facebook over other platforms. Some platforms work better for specific audiences, and they can even work well in combination.

social media platform ad format comparison

You just need to understand which one works better for you or for your exact goal.

To understand what constitutes "good" performance on Facebook, here are some key metrics and benchmarks to aim for:

Key engagement metrics and good benchmarks

1. Video View Rate

Good Benchmark: 15% to 30%

Description: The percentage of people who viewed your video ad. A view rate above 15% indicates that your video content is engaging enough to capture the audience's attention.

2. Video Completion Rate

Good Benchmark: 35% to 50%

Description: The percentage of viewers who watched your video ad to the end. A completion rate above 35% is considered good and indicates that the content is engaging and relevant to the audience.

3. Average Watch Time

Good Benchmark: 10 seconds or more

Description: The average amount of time viewers spend watching your video ad. An average watch time of 10 seconds or more suggests that your video is effectively retaining viewers' attention.

4. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Good Benchmark: 1.5% to 2%

Description: The percentage of viewers who clicked on your ad after watching the video. A CTR of 1.5% or higher indicates that your video ad is compelling enough to drive action.

5. Cost Per View (CPV)

Good Benchmark: $0.01 to $0.03

Description: The average cost for each view of your video ad. A CPV within this range is considered efficient and cost-effective.

6. Engagement Rate

Good Benchmark: 6% to 8%

Description: The percentage of viewers who engaged with your video ad (likes, shares, comments). An engagement rate above 6% indicates high interaction and engagement with your content.

7. Sound On Rate

Good Benchmark: 15% to 20%

Description: The percentage of viewers who watched your video with the sound on. While many viewers watch videos without sound, a sound-on rate above 15% can indicate that your video is engaging and that the audio is compelling.

Summary of Good Performance Indicators for Facebook Video Ads

  1. Video View Rate: 15% - 30%
  2. Video Completion Rate: 35% - 50%
  3. Average Watch Time: 10 seconds or more
  4. Click-Through Rate (CTR): 1.5% - 2%
  5. Cost Per View (CPV): $0.01 - $0.03
  6. Engagement Rate: 6% - 8%
  7. Sound On Rate: 15% - 20%

Step 3: Planning your video ad

Most people pay more attention to production or the message, but planning and analyzing performance are equally, if not more, important. So, before getting started, make sure you have a clear plan on the following aspects:

Setting Clear Objectives

Before creating your video, answer the question: "What is the purpose of my video?" This may sound obvious, but try to consider this question more thoroughly.

Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate new leads, make a sale, or perhaps reengage with existing leads? I understand that most people are eager to make a sale, but it won't work if you view a sale as a one-time action. It's a funnel, and customers should go through your funnel to make a purchase.

Understand the role of the video in your sales funnel. You will likely need different videos for each stage of your funnel.

Examples of Facebook Video Ads Solving Different Goals

Here are some examples and cases that illustrate how businesses have used Facebook video ads to address different goals:

1. Lead Generation-Case Study: Real Estate Agency

How to create a killing facebook video ad


Generate leads for property listings.


The real estate agency created a series of video ads showcasing virtual tours of properties. These videos highlighted key features and benefits, with a clear call-to-action (CTA) encouraging viewers to sign up for more information or schedule a visit.

Useful Resource:
How to Use a Call to Action in a Marketing Video


The campaign resulted in a 30% increase in qualified leads. The engaging video content allowed potential buyers to experience the properties virtually, which significantly boosted interest and conversions.


  • Video 1: A 15-second teaser video showing the exterior and main features of a high-end property.
  • Video 2: A 30-second in-depth tour of the interior, highlighting the living spaces, kitchen, and bedrooms.
  • Video 3: Testimonials from satisfied homeowners, emphasizing the agency’s reputation and service quality.

2. Brand Awareness-Case Study: Fashion Brand

How to create a killing facebook video ad


Increase brand awareness and reach a broader audience.


The fashion brand produced high-quality video ads featuring their latest collection. The videos included behind-the-scenes footage of the design process, runway shows, and influencer endorsements.


The campaign achieved a 50% increase in brand recall and a 40% increase in ad recall, with a significant uptick in website traffic and social media followers.


  • Video 1: A 15-second video featuring highlights from a runway show.
  • Video 2: A 30-second video with a designer explaining the inspiration behind the collection.
  • Video 3: Short clips of influencers and celebrities wearing the brand’s outfits, tagged with

3. Retargeting-Case Study: E-Commerce Store

How to create a killing facebook video ad


Retarget users who abandoned their shopping carts.


The e-commerce store created personalized video ads showing the specific products that users had left in their carts, along with a limited-time discount offer to encourage completion of the purchase.


The retargeting campaign led to a 25% increase in conversion rates and a 20% reduction in cart abandonment rates.


  • Video 1: A dynamic video ad featuring the products left in the cart, with a CTA to complete the purchase.
  • Video 2: A follow-up video ad with customer testimonials and reviews of the abandoned products.
  • Video 3: A time-sensitive offer video highlighting a discount or free shipping incentive.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Targeting your ideal audience with Facebook ads can significantly enhance your marketing strategy.

Here are three key audience types and the goals they are best suited for:

1. Interest-Based Audience

This audience type is created by targeting users based on their interests, activities, and behaviors. For instance, if you are selling women's clothing, you can target interests like "women's fashion," "Nike," or "fitness."

Best For:

  1. Brand Awareness: Ideal for reaching a broad audience interested in specific topics related to your product.
  2. Initial Campaigns: Perfect for new ad accounts to build an initial customer base by targeting general interests related to your product.

Example: A women’s leggings brand targeting users interested in fitness and specific sports apparel brands.

2. Lookalike Audience

Lookalike audiences are created by using data from your existing customers or engaged users. Facebook identifies users similar to your best customers, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Best For:

  1. Conversions and Sales: Effective for finding new customers likely to convert based on similarities to your current customers.
  2. Retargeting: Ideal for retargeting users who have interacted with your site, such as those who added items to their cart but did not complete the purchase.

Example: Creating a lookalike audience from users who made a purchase in the last 30 days to find similar potential customers.

3. Broad Targeting

Broad targeting involves minimal restrictions, focusing on essential demographics like location, age, and gender. The algorithm uses user data to find the best audience for your ads.

Best For:

  1. Scalability: Useful for large-scale campaigns where you want Facebook’s algorithm to optimize ad delivery.
  2. Creative Testing: Allows the creative content of your ads to determine the audience, helping to refine targeting based on actual engagement.

Example: A general campaign targeting all adults in a specific country to maximize reach and let the algorithm find the most responsive users.

Effective Audience Strategies for Specific Goals

How to create a killing facebook video ad

Retargeting: Target people who have interacted with your brand within the last X amount of days for higher conversion rates. This includes actions like website visits, cart additions, or video views.

Lookalike Audiences: Utilize lookalike audiences based on recent purchasers or high-value customers for closing sales and finding new customers likely to convert.

Broad Targeting: Use broad targeting for awareness campaigns or when launching new products to allow Facebook’s algorithm to identify and target the most responsive audience segments.

Crafting Your Message

When deciding on your message, don't just start by putting words together. Instead, begin by writing down the main components of the message:

  1. Hook: This is usually the problem your prospect has or the most exciting thing about your product.
  2. Solution: Present your product or service as the solution to the problem.
  3. Value Proposition and Benefit: Highlight the main value proposition and the benefits your product or service offers.
  4. Call to Action: Make sure to include a clear call to action, so your audience knows what to do next if they are interested. This could be messaging you for more info or visiting your website for a complementary demo or free trial.

These components can be communicated in a video with or without a script. You can use a voice-over, subtitles, or in-video text animations. The key is to have a plan and the right approach to effectively convey your message.

Step 4: Creating your video ad

How to create a killing facebook video ad

If you're looking to learn about the professional production process, you can check out our detailed article here. However, for a DIY approach or just learning how to handle the process, you need to follow these steps:


Pre-production - script, concept, storyboard

Creating a script for a Facebook ad is slightly different from other marketing videos. You have very limited time, as social media attention spans are drastically shorter than on websites or YouTube.

Be short, clear, and concise, and build your concept around one key message and include a very clear call to action at the end of the script. If your video is at the bottom of the funnel, like testimonials or case studies, you will have more freedom. However, still ensure it’s engaging and exciting in every frame to keep viewers interested.

Production - Style, animation, shooting

Whether you're shooting a video on your phone, creating an animation, or using online tools like Canva, make sure you or your vendor not only master the tools but also strive to create high-quality and unique content. If your video looks like every other video out there, you won't be able to set yourself apart and capture people's interest.

Post-production - Sound design, editing, polishing

Don't underestimate the importance of sound. It can set the right tone and energize viewers. Use custom voice-over artists, avoiding AI solutions, as people can tell the difference and may not take you seriously if your video sounds generic.

Useful Resource:
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Perfect Voice Over Artist for Your Explainer Video

DIY is great for vlogs or other marketing content such as engaging with your existing audience, but for advertising, I recommend using a more professional approach and hiring an agency. If you don't know where to start or want to understand how much it will cost, book a complimentary consultation with one of our video strategists.

Incorporating branding

Using branding in any marketing material is crucial. Whether it's a brand video, demo, explainer, or retention video, consistency with your brand style and message is key.

This means not only using your logo, colors, and fonts but also maintaining the overall look and feel, or mood, of your brand. Additionally, stay consistent with your brand positioning. For example, if you are a premium product, avoid creating low-quality videos or suggesting discounts.

Your brand is like a character, and everything about it should be consistent and cohesive.

Considerations for mobile users

Here's something not all advertisers consider: most Facebook users access content on their phones. What does this mean for you as a creator?

  • Text Animations: Make them bigger so they are easily readable on small screens.
  • Voice Over: If your video has a voice-over, remember that most users keep their feed videos muted. So, you need to add subtitles to your video to ensure your message gets across.
  • Visual Elements: Any important objects should be larger and clear. Avoid cluttering the frame with too many elements.
  • Overall Design: Ensure your video is optimized for mobile viewing, keeping it simple, engaging, and easy to follow.

By focusing on these considerations, you can create more effective and engaging video ads for mobile users.

Step 5: Optimizing your video Ad for Facebook

This stage should ideally be done in parallel with Step 3 to ensure that the dimensions and other specs are Facebook-friendly. However, if you already have a video or are planning a universal one for other platforms, such as your website, you can still optimize it according to Facebook's recommendations.


Facebook offers different video ad formats, so choose the appropriate type and adjust the dimensions accordingly for better results. The most common aspect ratios are 16:9, 9:16 (vertical), 1:1 (square for desktop or mobile), and 4:5 (for mobile only).

Text and Design Recommendations

Text and design requirements vary depending on the video type. Facebook has a great tool that you can use for free. Simply select a video type or goal type, and all the relevant information will appear, helping you to ensure your video meets Facebook’s specifications and best practices.

By optimizing your video for Facebook, you can improve its performance and ensure it reaches your target audience effectively.

Step 6: Launching  campaign

Launching a campaign has a lot to consider. As an animated video production company, we can't provide step-by-step instructions for every detail of the process. However, as promised, we offer you a complete guide on how to create a perfect video.

To ensure better results with your campaign, please consider the following:

Selecting the Format that Aligns with Your Objectives

Figure out which format works best for your goal. One type of video might work better for one objective, while another type might be more effective for a different goal.

The Right Bidding Strategy

Facebook ads do work, but they may not be profitable right away. You should test different bidding strategies for all your target audiences and ad types to figure out which one works best. Don't expect to find the perfect strategy immediately. You might need to make an initial investment until you find what works.

Monitor Performance

In the beginning, you need to check performance more frequently. You will identify clear winners and losers early on. For those in the middle, continue testing and optimizing.

Test and Optimize

A good marketer is different from a mediocre one by constantly testing and optimizing their hypotheses. Remember, no one knows in advance what will work and what won't. Test design, title, call to action, and description in the mentioned priority.

Optimize the Next Step

Whatever the next step is—whether it’s a landing page, app store page, or message in Messenger—you need to prepare it even more carefully and meticulously than the ad itself. Let me explain. You can have a 100% click rate, but if the next step does not meet your initial promise or is not consistent with your ad, you will lose them all. The next step should be a continuation of the journey for prospects with clear instructions.


We hope this guide helps you avoid pitfalls and create a great Facebook video ad. By following these steps, you'll be surprised at how pleased you'll be with the results.

Don't wait—start creating your own Facebook video ads today! If you don't know where to start or need some guidance, just send us a message. We're here to help you free of charge.

Happy advertising!

Additional tips and best practices

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