How Much Does Motion Graphics Cost?

Discover the key factors influencing motion graphics costs and learn tips for effectively managing your budget in this comprehensive guide.

How Much Does Motion Graphics Cost?

Do you realize how much you could waste on a 1-minute motion graphics production if you don't know how to evaluate the price?

$500? $1000? Or even $5000?

Let me tell you, I once saw a company overpay by around $20,000 just because they didn't know better.

In this article, I'm going to share some valuable insights to help you avoid making the same costly mistake. Stay tuned!

How much does motion graphics cost?

Creating 2D motion graphics typically costs between $4,000 and $8,500 per minute. For 3D motion graphics, the price ranges from $5,000 to $9,500 per minute. Smaller projects, such as animating a logo, or UI animation, are generally around $300-$1000. On a monthly basis, the average cost for motion graphics sits at about $3,500.

Factors Influencing Motion Graphics Cost

1. Complexity of the Project

The level of complexity is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect for clients, as it requires experience to navigate. So, when you come across a bargain, it's important to understand the complexity you're dealing with.

Here are some factors that define the complexity level:

  • Video dynamics: The number of scenes and actions within a specific length of time can really up the ante.
  • Number of characters: More characters, especially active ones, ramp up the video's complexity.
  • Scene complexity: Are we talking simple 2D flat walking characters, or more intricate movements with camera transitions?
  • The level of detail: How detailed are the visuals, and what is the design quality?
  • Subject complexity: This really comes into play with 3D objects. A complex object can seriously drive up production costs.

There are plenty of other factors to consider, but you get the idea. And this is just the beginning. Keep reading, and you'll be surprised by what’s next!

2. Length of the Animation

Pricing Model per Second

One misconception you need to forget: the per-second pricing model. This model might work for agency and studio relationships where every small detail of the project is agreed upon, and all concepts are provided by the agency. The motion graphics studio's role is simply to connect the dots.

Shorter Video Costs Less?

How Much Does Motion Graphics Cost?

Of course, the longer the video, the more production time invested. However, it's a misconception to think that if a 30-second video costs $3000, a 10-second video should cost $1000.

Let me clarify.

There are numerous procedures required for any length of the project, such as the discovery process, creating a custom style, and voice auditions. These steps are essential regardless of the video's duration.

This means that up to 70% of the work would be the same for both a 15-second video and a 30-second video. Also, smaller projects, such as a single logo animation or UI animation, often have a higher cost per second compared to longer projects, like a 90-second video.

Here's an interesting fact you might not have considered: shorter videos often require more effort. For instance, one of our clients wanted to explain the problems and benefits of his product in under 30 seconds. To achieve this, we spent twice as long as usual crafting a concise script and visual concept.

3. Design and Style

2D vs. 3D Animations. Is 2D animation cheaper than 3D?

Let me break it down for you: 3D costs more than 2D. Why, you ask? Well, it’s because 3D demands more advanced software, greater technical expertise, and a lot more time to create those detailed models and render scenes.

For example, if you’re looking at decent 2D motion graphics, you're starting at $2,500, with typical costs ranging between $4,000 and $8,500 per minute. But for 3D motion graphics? You’re looking at $5,000 to $9,500, and that price doesn’t even guarantee a stellar look.

Here’s something that might blow your mind: if you're aiming for quality 2D motion graphics with characters—like what you'd see in a slick Google or Monday video—it’ll run you around $8,000 per minute. But to hit that same professional level in 3D? You’re talking ten times more.

So, when should you go for 3D? Only when it really makes sense. Say you have a product prototype and want to showcase all its features inside and out—that’s when 3D shines and is totally worth it.

Custom Illustrations vs. Template-Based Designs

If you're celebrating a colleague's birthday or sharing a collage from a team-building event, using templates works just fine. But when it comes to serious, corporate content, custom designs are the way to go—and make sure your contributors are on the same page.

Now, you might wonder about the price difference.

Well, it can really vary. Some companies use templates and sell their motion graphics explainer videos for $6K per minute. On the flip side, at Yans Media, we create custom, high-quality videos starting at $5,000.

So, are templates or stock objects useless?

Absolutely not!

For example, if you need to show a realistic 3D iPhone in your video, why spend a ton of time creating that model from scratch when you can download it for about $50? Check out this example from our portfolio where we purchased an iPhone object and customized the animations for everything else.

4. Experience and skill level of the animator

Freelancers vs. professional studios

You can find a motion graphics designer on Upwork starting at $50 per hour for decent quality. Alternatively, you can try Fiverr, but be cautious of scammers who promise custom designs but often deliver poor quality using templates.

Useful Resource:
Where to hire motion graphics artist?

However, if you don't have extensive knowledge and experience in managing motion graphics designers, I highly recommend going with professional studios.

Hiring just one animator isn't enough. You'll need a creative director, an illustrator, and other skilled professionals to see a project through to completion. So, whether you're not an agency and need a one-time project or multiple ones, opting for a professional studio is the best route.

I've got a fantastic guide on how to do just that. Keep in mind, the animation cost can range from the starting price I mentioned to around $3000 if you're looking to hire on a monthly basis.

Impact of experience on pricing

Experience is crucial in every industry, but it’s not just about the years—it's about the quality of the work and the scale of the companies involved.

Let me explain what I mean.

I’d much rather hire someone with 2 years of top-notch experience working on major brand projects than someone with a decade of tweaking templates and producing low-quality work.

But here’s a tip: dig into the animator’s role in these projects. Were they key players driving the project's success, or were they just there to make minor final touches? Understanding this can make all the difference.

Location and geography

This is a big deal! Imagine paying up to three times more for the exact same quality if you choose US or UK-based companies. And yes, we're talking about the same quality here. Our research on explainer video pricing shows you'll overpay by a whopping 171.69% compared to European companies.

Don't let your budget take a hit!

How Much Does Motion Graphics Cost?
Further Reading
Cheap Animation Studios

Additional Costs

Revisions and edits

With over 12 years of experience under our belt, we've learned that revisions can eat up to 12% of your production budget.

But here's the thing: the real challenge arises when you don't carefully review deliverables like storyboards or main object designs and then request major changes at the final stage. Those last-minute adjustments can end up costing you an extra 30% of the budget.

How to minimize revision costs?

Take the time to review every detail and make sure you’re happy with the progress right from the start. But remember, time is of the essence—don’t let your contributor put your project on the back burner for something else!

Voiceover and sound design

Voice-over costs can vary widely, from as low as $50 on Fiverr to over $1000 with top-tier professionals.

So, what’s a fair price?

Generally, aiming for something in the middle is a good bet.

Remember, your budget might need to include extra licensing fees, especially for platforms like TV. Also, some voice-over artists charge for these licenses annually.

These are crucial points to keep in mind.

In our experience, the sweet spot for hiring exceptional artists is usually in the $250-$450 range. And we always make sure our clients have perpetual voiceover and sound design license usage for both online and commercial needs.

Pricing models

There are two main ways you can go: a project-based model or a monthly subscription.

A project-based approach is ideal for significant projects like explainer videos or other one-time video production needs. On the other hand, a monthly subscription is perfect for ongoing video requirements, offering unlimited requests.

Motion graphics costs can vary depending on project complexity. However, if you're looking to post regularly and prefer not to hire a full team of creators, you can engage a dedicated team for your motion needs, ranging from $3,500 to $8,500 monthly.

Budgeting Tips

How Much Does Motion Graphics Cost?

To get an accurate and reasonable quote, consider all the aforementioned factors and make your choice. Plus, use our guidelines to ask the right questions. Additionally, you need:

Identify essential vs. optional features for your project.

Figure our what's more important for your needs. Is it glossy 3d that does not add any value or having a short version for social media add and several endings so the call the action of your video aligned perfectly with your funnels.

Negotiate with right strategy

Before diving in, ensure it makes sense. If you've received a reasonable price, avoid pushing for extra discounts. Why? Because there will be unnoticed quality sacrifices, leading to a loss on your end. However, if you believe there's room for negotiation, make an honest offer or request additional deliverables such as a version with subtitles, an alternative ending, or a short version. Anything helpful can be included. Studios are generally open to accommodating such requests.


Motion graphics costs are influenced by several factors, including project complexity, animation length, design style (2D vs. 3D), animator expertise, and geographical location. Additional costs such as software, revisions, voiceover, and sound design also play a role. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions and avoid overpaying for your project.

To manage your budget effectively, clearly define your project scope and prioritize essential features. Opt for the pricing model that best fits your needs, whether it's per project or a monthly subscription.

If you're unsure where to begin, simply schedule your free consultation with one of our video strategists. You'll get actionable advice on your project, ensuring you start on the right foot.

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