Explainer Video Armenian Agricultural Development Report Series

Explainer Video
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The video, which is the second animated video explainer creation for the ministry of Agriculture of RA, lays out the importance of new investments in infrastructure. In a very enjoyable way, the explainer video describes new advancements such as improved networks of roads, better water supply, and stronger cooperation efforts.

Armenian Agricultural Development Report Series
Armenian Agricultural Development Report animation
animation of stats

The Challenge // Create An Animated Video To Show Infrastructure Development In Rural Armenia

Development is what brings a better future for our families, communities, and country. And this was the main point the ministry of Agriculture wanted to send across with the explainer video series.  Their main priority was finding an animated video company that understood the core concept and knew how to tell it in a friendly way.

Since we were very excited about the project, we set out to create animated video ideas that fit this concept. Our storyboard, script and art direction would have to appeal to the demographic and be as direct as possible.

 Development Report

The Solution // An explainer animation video with the power to impact people

Because governmental policies have the power to impact millions of people, we needed our explainer video to keep up with this power. We achieved this through important bits of data and figures and impactful illustrations and animations.

We also wanted to allow the ministry of Agriculture to introduce new concepts quickly. We built on familiar situations to present the most vital issues to communities throughout the country. We used the versatility of an explainer video to communicate the message quickly and to make it easy to share on any platform.

In short, the most important thing to achieve with the animated video explainer was to make people care about the new infrastructure policies.

cow and milk scene


Animation production: Yans Media

Style: 2d motion graphics

Explainer Video

Creative Direction: Tigran Movsisyan

Story Board&Illustration: Tigran Movsisyan

Motion Graphics: Hakob Gepenyan

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