UnderContrac company introduction video case study

UnderContrac is a real estate investment platform designed to provide easy and affordable access to high-yield residential properties. By leveraging fractional investment and proprietary technology, UnderContrac enables individuals to invest as little as $100, democratizing real estate and enriching communities through rehabilitated properties.

Creative Approach:

For this project, we developed an engaging explainer video that highlighted UnderContrac’s mission and unique value proposition. The video illustrated how the platform empowers the public by offering secure, transparent, and accessible asset-backed investments. Through dynamic visuals, we showcased the benefits of investing with UnderContrac, such as escrow security, early cash-out options, and a progress tracker that allows investors to monitor the development of their chosen properties.

The video also emphasized UnderContrac’s broader impact on addressing the nationwide housing deficit by acquiring and transforming distressed properties, generating positive community impact and profitability. The visual narrative was designed to quickly communicate the concept and logistics, ensuring the audience understands the company’s mission and services in under a minute.


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Static and dynamic content editing

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