20 Best Examples of Native Video Ads You Need To See

Native video advertising is an essential component of digital marketing. In the post, we cover 20 effective examples using animation from prominent brands.

20 Best Examples of Native Video Ads You Need To See

Native video advertising is a form of ad delivery that matches the appearance of the rest of the page. A quality native ad will flow with the other content and appear to be just another post. The highly effective form of advertising is essential for any marketing campaign.

In this post, we will dissect 20 native advertising examples from some of the most successful and recognizable brands in the world. After reading, you will be able to apply what has worked into your next campaign.

1. CaraKit

CaraKit native video ad

Our first example is from CaraKit, a luxury gift box delivery service tailored to women recently diagnosed with cancer. The company chose an ad that communicates compassion with an inviting color pallet and sympathetic characters.

Cancer is a delicate subject. CaraKit does an excellent job catering to its uniquely sensitive target market through heartwarming native video ads.

2. Google

Google native video ad

The example from Google takes a minimalistic approach to advertising. A short copy accompanied with simple animation, a call to action, and a 'Sign Up' button is enough to drive interest as users scroll through their timeline.

Google does a great job of providing on-brand imagery. When a user is served with the native video ad, they recognize the branding and then learn Google is offering over 40 free online courses. Because Google is such a recognizable company, the branding instills trust and validity in the online courses.

3. Asana

Asana native video ad

The collaboration tool Asana gives us a native video advertising example that lays out a problem and offers a solution in a short period. Using an animated slot machine wheel with different icons, Asana demonstrates the challenge of aligning teams, tasks, and priorities.

Before the user scrolls past the ad, Asana's logos line up on the wheel representing virtual collaboration harmony. The animation is accompanied by a copy that uses phrases like 'make a sure bet' and 'hit the jackpot' to fit the casino theme of the ad.

4. Mailchimp

Mailchimp native video ad

Mailchimp is a comprehensive marketing tool that uses email as the foundation. The example above shows one of the components in the service called the Customer Journey Builder.

Native video ads can be useful to show users how something works. Mailchimp does a great job by showing the display ad within its ad and an overlay of the customer journey process.

5. Airbnb

Airbnb native video ad

The vacation rental application keeps it very simple by showing two amazing properties available on their platform. The native ad truly looks like another post, and the imagery sells itself.

6. Starbucks

Starbucks native video ad

Native video advertising examples like the video above show us how a simple and minimalist animation can drive engagement far better than a still image.

Capturing customer information is a key component of digital marketing and Starbucks' birthday promotion is one of the most impressive methods in recent history.

7. McDonald’s

McDonald’s native video ad

One of McDonald's legendary contest campaigns is shown above in a native video ad. The falling burgers and fries capture the viewer's attention, and then are offered a CTA to download the McDonald's app to win free food.

Useful Resource:
How to create a killing facebook video ad

8. Coca-cola

Coca-cola native video ad

The example from Coca-Cola features a progressive animation that starts with leaves blowing in the wind to form a groundbreaking message that will appeal to environmentally-conscious Facebook and Instagram users.

Animation serves as a hook to entice the consumer into reading Coke's plan to produce and scale plant-based bottles, a significant move for the brand.


OREO native video ad

To be effective, animated native ads need to stop users from scrolling through their timelines. Oreo captures attention with a bright color pallet that matches the product packaging and a stunning presentation of floating cookies.

10. Shopify

Shopify native video ad

Shopify provides us with a longer example showing how easy it is to add products to the eCommerce platform.

Incorporating a business owner, the backend, and webpage UI build a connection with the company's target market.

11. Spotify

Spotify native video ad

Spotify uses a lively animation that presents a 1 free month listening offer. The genius of animated video advertising is to pose as another post, get the user to pause, and deliver a CTA.

Spotify's bright colors and engaging animation help the native ad stand out in the timeline and get users to slow down to take in the offer.

Useful Resource.
10 best animated commercial videos that will inspire you

12. GoPro

GoPro native video ad

The video camera technology company GoPro delivers our shortest example of native ads. Facebook and Instagram users get a glimpse of the new product, the new 4K slo-mo feature in action, and an offer to subscribe and save on a purchase.

Simple. Engaging. Effective.

13. Volkswagen

Volkswagen native video ad

Volkswagen's native Facebook ad targets recent college grads looking for their first grown-up car. Native advertising is so effective mainly due to the ability to hyper-focus on specific demographics and build campaigns around the market segment.

14. Udemy

Udemy native video ad

Native video ads only give you a short time to connect with your target market. Udemy builds a relationship by utilizing subtle imagery like the function brackets to captivate social media users looking to learn more about coding.

15. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop native video ad

Showing your product in action is an excellent approach to native video advertising. Adobe provides a great example of the software's spot healing brush.

Users see a beautiful picture of a colorful mountainside blemished by a gigantic 747 jet. The ad communicates how easy it is to use the tool to perfect photos.

16. Lyft

Lyft native video ad

Lyft's ride to vote campaign is only for a maximum of $5 but serves a much higher purpose than helping people get to the polls.

The rideshare company is in direct competition with Uber and needs to find an edge. Using colorful, hip animation to roll out socially conscious messaging helps persuade users to choose Lyft over the competition the next time they need a ride.

17. Walmart

Walmart native video ad

Walmart delivers a not-so-subtle jab at Amazon with their Walmart+ native video ad. 'Its Prime Time to Switch' is a direct reference to Amazon Prime's increase in pricing this past February.

The animated ad shows a visual representation of rising prices through a mysterious delivery truck climbing up a hill. Users should immediately connect but are reenforced with the final frame accompanied by a CTA button.

18. Doritos

Doritos native video ad

Doritos is known as dominant in American advertising. The brand's native ad above is far from subtle but still is so engaging that it gets users to stop scrolling. Stunning visual effects are a great way to capture attention, especially if you are advertising a highly seductive product like junk food.

19. Nike

Nike native video ad

Nike combines live-action with animation into a highly targeted native ad. The combination is visually striking and allows you to push what is possible within the constraints of the ad space.

20. Facebook

Facebook native video ad

Facebook uses animation to deliver a native ad that communicates the platform's versatility. The video demonstrates Facebook's ability to transcend from the timeline into the real world with its Voter Information Center.

Similar to the Lyft ad, touching on social issues builds trust with users and influences product usage decisions.

Final Words

Native video advertising is one of the most effective forms of ad delivery. If you are considering utilizing the medium and leveraging the power of animation, Yans Media is the perfect partner to produce your next native ads. Reach out today for a free consultation.

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